1. Is this meeting necessary?
If the whole issue only involves 2-3 people Use SMS or internet “email”
2. Invite as few people as possible
Only the necessary participants.
3. Have a written meeting venue.
Have written agenda with clear objectives sent advance.
4. Double check meeting venue.
5. Prepare refreshments earlier!
6. Off all the mobile phones or on silent mode!
7. Start and finish on time.
8. Discussion on track.
9. Encourage everyone to participate.
10. Make sure decisions are made together.
11. Make sure work delegated.
12. Circulate the minutes within 48 hours.
1. Key Message
Is there A “Promise” (What In It For Me)/ Take Home Value
2. Overall Contents
Congruent to key message
Supportive pointer to drive home the key massage
Are the credible/really experiential
Illustration of supportive pointers
3. Structure
Is the speech well organized
How is the ability to sustain audience’s attention
4. Delivery
A, persona /appearance of speaker
State of being/aura
B, enhancement of speech
Diction: use of words
Vocal Tonality/Spectrum
Body Language
Guide Effective Evaluation
1. Triple pole of an effective evaluation
A. Motivation
B. Facilitator
Show speaker how to improve
C. Counselor
Encourage/ support the speaker to overcome fear & other psychological factors
2. The evaluation process
A. Always Look For Something Good
Highlight the three points
B. Highlight the area for improvement with supportive reasons
3. Counsel
End:-positive summation
:-great optimism for future
Organize Your Speech
* Message/ ideas comes across effectively
When conveyed in a logical and orderly what organize
* Choose a topic
* Decide objective/ purpose of speech
*Select and attract your ideas
3 Part format
-starting question and challenging statement
-appropriate of some quotation, illustration or story
-a display of some appropriate object or picture
-sum up points
-appeal for action
-close on a strong note
Using Humour In Speech
1 Have a “coating” of humour for
The opening…….
The body……..
The closing………
# identify the audience/occasion
# ensure that the content are “listener, friendly”
# balance the spoken word and animation
# adds value to the presentation!
2 Right Humour
Know the audient
Use animation and eye contact
Always use “clean jokes”
3 Techniques for acquiring humour
Collect simple jokes (not more 3 sentences)
Try out the humour
Work on the feedback especially the “punch line”
4 Avoid
W =worry
E =envy
A =anxiety
R = regret
Gestures In Speaking
Basic gestures:
3 hand gestures
- Size, weight, shape, direction, location
- Importance or urgency
- Compassion and contrast
- Hand gestures such as shaping of the hands or pointing
- Dramatically show location
- Expression ably point out the weight or shape!!
- Show your audience how important your pointer is
- Hit your first into your open palm
- Raise your voice and show expression on your face and
point to the reason.
Comparison and contrast
- Move both your hands at the same time to show similarities
- Move them in opposition to show differences
Important of gestures
- Gestures should not be exaggerated
- A gestures can be considered good if it help the audience understand the massage.
#Relax and at ease- this help you gestures be natural.