Thursday, September 23, 2010

Is Your Sleep Out of Control? Take Melatonin to the Proving Grounds

"Desperately Seeking Sleep? Meet Your New Best Friend..."

Are you getting a good night's sleep?

If not, you're not alone. Nearly two-thirds of all Americans complain of occasional sleeplessness.

Nearly 40% of those polled said they wake up off and on throughout the night, while more than 25% said they wake up too early and just can't get back to sleep -- or had a tough time falling asleep in the first place.

And, if that wasn't bad enough, almost half of respondents said they don't feel refreshed when they wake up in the morning. Many feel even more tired and have a difficult time staying awake during the day.

Does any of this sound familiar to you? Occasional trouble falling asleep -- or staying asleep? Don't feel good when you wake up? That's not the way it's supposed to work...

You want to be able to fall asleep quickly, get a good solid night's rest, and wake up feeling recharged, renewed and reenergized.*

But, I'm sure you realize that good sleep is not only something you want... It's something you -- and your body -- desperately need.

That's right -- you need a good night's sleep.

Because sleep helps you:

  • Restore your body and mind
  • Boost your immune system
  • Deal with daily stresses
  • Promote muscle repair
  • Give yourself the mental, emotional, and physical energy, and the focus and alertness you need to get through your day

Good sleep is essential for your good health and wellbeing.

When you don't get a good night's sleep, you feel the negative effects almost immediately.

  • It's hard to wake up in the morning...
  • Your performance can suffer at school, on the job, or with normal day-to-day activities...
  • It may take an increased effort to focus, concentrate, or make even the easiest decisions...
  • You may find yourself feeling clumsy or uncoordinated...
  • You may experience increased moodiness, depression or irritation...
  • You may fall asleep during the day (or at least, struggle to stay awake)...

And those are just a few of the effects that you or a loved one have likely experienced after even just one night of poor sleep.

In fact, a recent study showed that if you get less sleep than you need for just one night, you reduce your ability to function the following day by over 30%.

It's no wonder that Americans spent more than $3 billion on prescription sleep aids in 2007.

Thankfully, I've got a very powerful -- and natural -- solution for you.* I'm so glad to tell you that...

Sweet Zzz's can be Yours Again*...
No More Praying for Sleep

sleep better

If you or a loved one are one of the millions of people fed up with occasional sleeplessness, you're about to discover how a simple, but totally revolutionary, spray can help you finally find sleep again*...

Imagine how good you would feel if you could fall asleep quickly and sleep soundly all through the night.* Feels pretty amazing, doesn't it?

When you feel rested and energized, you wake up in the morning feeling ready to meet your day with enough get-up-and-go to keep you going all day and all night.* Not feeling tired, sluggish, or drained.*

When you get the sleep your body needs, you can enjoy your life *... the life you deserve... the way you want it....

Feel full of life, have more clarity, and don't put off the things you like to do because you don't have enough energy.*

That's why I'm so happy to be able to talk to you today about melatonin --nature's gift to you-- and to those people experiencing occasional sleep problems.*

It's Time to Go to Sleep...
Melatonin Can Help You Have Sweet Dreams*

Melatonin naturally occurs in your body and influences how you sleep.*

In countless studies, melatonin has been shown to:

  • Increase your feeling of sleepiness*
  • Help you fall asleep more quickly*
  • Lengthen total sleep duration*
  • Enhance overall sleep quality*
  • Improve morning alertness*
  • Reduce daytime fatigue*

But, it even gets better...

Scientific evidence suggests melatonin may offer benefits for everybody*, including:

  • The young and old (even elderly individuals with occasional sleeplessness)
  • Those who travel often (jet lag)
  • People who perform night shift work (there are about 20 million night shift workers in America -- with 60-70% experiencing occasional sleep problems)
  • And totally healthy people of all ages who suffer through those occasional awful toss-and-turn sleepless nights

Melatonin -- Nature's Bedtime Lullaby
Delivering the Sleep You Deserve*

Help Sleeping

Melatonin occurs naturally in your body. It's produced by a pea-sized gland in the middle of your brain called the pineal (pih-knee-uhl) gland.

For most people, the pineal gland is totally inactive during the day. But, at night, when it gets dark, the pineal gland is switched "on" and it begins producing melatonin to be released into your blood.

Melatonin makes you feel sleepy, less alert, and brings on and maintains sleep.* Typically, in a normal night's sleep, your melatonin levels stay elevated for about 12 hours (usually between 9 pm and 9 am). Then, as the sun rises and your day begins, your pineal gland turns "off" and the melatonin levels in your blood decrease until they're hardly measurable at all.

The amount of melatonin you create and release every night varies depending on your age. Children usually have much higher levels of melatonin than adults.

And as you grow older, your levels typically continue to decrease. Researchers believe this may explain why many older adults occasionally experience disrupted sleep patterns. With less melatonin in their blood, the stimulus to fall asleep, stay asleep, and wake feeling restedcan potentially be compromised.

Indeed, that's just one of the reasons why I believe the benefits of Melatonin Sleep Support is so promising as a superior sleep supplement for people with occasional disrupted sleep patterns (e.g., the elderly, those with jet lag, and night shift workers).*

Why? Because we've scientifically identified one of the major players in the sleep game.* That means we've potentially fast-tracked our ability to help support normal, healthy, restorative sleep.*

That's why Melatonin Sleep Support is so exciting to me... because it means you may be able to get that good night's sleep to help with your occasional sleeplessness.*

But, regretfully, if you're like many people (84% of Americans, to be exact), you'll keep to your restless ways and try to just "tough it out" with your occasional sleeplessness. Maybe you tell yourself, "It's just a nuisance, right?"

Well, I'm here to tell you -- that's wrong...

Your Restlessness Isn't Just a Nuisance --

When you don't get a good night's sleep, you may put yourself, your family, and so many others at risk.

  • Get old before your time. You know how you feel after just one night of sleeplessness. You're tired, worn out, and missing that oomph you need. Don't let your occasional sleeplessness rob you of your vitality.

  • Occasional lack of sleep can affect every aspect of your personal life -- from missing important events to limiting the amount and quality of intimacy you share with your loved ones.

  • Potentially Impaired driving.

  • Decreased performance at work. When you're tired, your responses are slower, you have difficulty concentrating, and you just aren't playing your "A-game". All of this means, your on-the-job work performance can suffer. You could be at a competitive disadvantage if your coworkers are always getting enough sleep.

  • Pollute your body with harmful stimulants. When you experience occasional lack of sleep, do you turn to caffeine, energy drinks, or those "one-shot" stimulants? The potential negative health effects of chronic use of caffeine are well documented. It's avicious cycle: these stimulants you "need" to wake you up after a poor night's sleep can cause occasional sleeplessness at night.

As you can now see, your occasional sleepless nights aren't just annoying. They can have other negative consequences.

With all these potential effects of your occasional sleeplessness, I know you're wondering: Is there a trusted way you can deal with your occasional sleep issues?

The answer is YES.

Now is the time for you to take advantage of this opportunity to help with those occasional restless nights.

  • Helps occasional difficultly falling asleep.*
  • Helps with occasional tossing and turning.*
  • Helps with occasional waking up too early.*
  • Helps diminish that sluggish feeling caused by lack of sleep.*

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